A carat is a unit of measurement and it’s the unit used to weigh a diamond. One carat is equal to 200 milligrams, or 0.2 grams.
The word “carat” is taken from the carob seeds that people once used to balance scales.
NOTE: “Karat” is a different word that is used to describe he purity of gold.
Large diamonds have a greater cost per carat and the price of a diamond rises exponentionaly to its size (e.g., a 2-carat diamond will cost more per carat than a 1-carat diamond of equal grade).
For a a printable diamond size comparison chart that displays rings on the hand, visit our Diamond Size Chart page.
Read more about the Four Cs of Diamonds
Diamond Education
4Cs of Diamond Grading | Diamond Cut | Diamond Clarity | Diamond Color | Carat Weight | Diamond Certificates | Diamond Size Chart | Diamond Fluorescence | Diamond Ring Settings | Diamond Glossary
Diamond Shapes
General Shapes Information | Asscher Cut Diamonds | Cushion Cut Diamonds | Emerald Cut Diamonds | Heart Shaped Diamonds | Marquise Cut Diamonds | Oval Diamonds | Pear Shaped Diamonds | Princess Cut Diamonds | Radiant Cut Diamonds | Round Brilliant Diamonds